“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


Wickersley Sixth Form Applications Now Open!


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Year 10 Outstanding Students

Teachers have recently inputted data for our current Year 10 cohort of students. At Wickersley School we value and celebrate the effort of our students.
The following students are currently average effort 4.0 or average effort 3.9, meaning they have received all outstanding or outstanding + one good, respectively, from their subject teachers.
Mr Turner, Mr Jarvis and Mrs Broadhead banded the students together to acknowledge their success and informed them of how proud they are of the group.
Well done to all involved – they are showing outstanding endeavour to succeed in their studies!
Jacob Baggaley
Thomas Barnes
Lucy Bartholomew
Laini Brown
Thomas Carr
Tallulah Casey
Melanie Caudwell
Alex Cooke
Gracie Croker
Alfie Dufty
Charlie Fields
Korben Gommersall
Maddison Hair
Zach Hawkridge
Natasha Haywood
Daniel Heap
Hannah Wordsall
Jessica Heaps
Daisy Heathcote
Samuel Heathcote
Baron Huzzey-Jones
Thomas Kemp
Ava Lombardi
Elise Morgan
Amy Munday
Ruby O’Carroll
Thomas Quarta
Nathalie Rosling
Scarlett Sadler
Lewis Smith
Angel Thompson-Taylor
Ben Tyler
Alisa Wagstaff
Mark Watson
Isabelle Whelan
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Y11 Effort Awards!

Y11 continue to be excellent, and this was reflected in their third data collection. Here are our  Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum award winners, proudly

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