The Creative Arts faculty marked International Women’s Day on Tuesday March 8th with a variety of different activities.
In Drama and Theatre Studies, both Y12 students have used independent study time to read “Suffragettes Invented Performance Art” in The Routledge Reader in Politics and Performance, detailing how early pioneers of feminism contributed to the development of this interdisciplinary mode of theatre.

In Y7 Drama, students have considered the role of women in patriarchal societies as they have explored the scene in Romeo and Juliet where Juliet is forced into an arranged marriage by her father.

In Y7 and Y8 Drama Club, the group members learned about the legend of Anne Bonny, a real life 18th century pirate and devised a short piece of drama that solved the mystery of what ultimately happened to this extraordinary historical figure.

In Music lessons, Y10 researched notable classical-contemporary female composers. They produced an information text aimed at educating younger students which will then be used in KS3 lessons.

Film Studies students from Y9 to Y11 learned about Hedy Lamarr, the glamorous film star of Hollywood’s Golden Age who also went on to play a key role in the invention of wi-fi, a technological development we all use and rely on today.