“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Well Done Hayley!

Hayley Cassin in Y10 has been extremely busy this past summer, representing her team at various Wheelchair Basketball Competitions throughout the Country.

It began back in July when Hayley was selected to represent Yorkshire in the National Championships as well as securing a place in the 2022 School Games at Loughborough University where she was hoping to equal/better the silver medal that she achieved in the previous year.

Hayley and the team beat Wales, Scotland, and Southern England to take Gold in the Yorkshire National Championships which was a fantastic achievement. Success continued at the International Children’s Games held in Coventry where the team again placed at the top of the podium with the Gold Medal. Two Gold Medals in 2 weeks, again a great achievement and something to be extremely proud of.

As for the School Games, Hayley equaled her previous success and again won a Silver Medal at Loughborough University. Well done Hayley, we look forward to hearing about your future achievements this coming year.

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School News

Y10 Science Success

This week, Y10 students celebrated their success in Science! Educake is an online platform used to revise Science, and each week, all students are set

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