“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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An Insight into Army Life

At the end of the first half term, 46 students from years 9, 10, and 11 had an exciting day with the Army. The visit was designed to allow students an insight into army life and the types of exercises they would have to undertake as part of life in the Army.

As well as undertaking missions and various physical activities, the students had the opportunity to work with the Black Rats, under the command of Major Humphries and Sgt Major Littlewood from Catterick Barracks. The students (and staff) enjoyed every minute of their stay and particularly enjoyed meeting Dragoons, snipers, and Medics.

They experienced the treacherous assault course, learned the basics of camouflage techniques, and learnt how to dress serious wounds. The Army packed a huge amount of experience into the day. Wickersley students once again evidenced their first-class reputation, with the Army inviting the school back for a repeat performance.

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School News

Wickersley Weekly Wins

Last month, we held two of our Wickersley Wins! The students have had some fantastic achievements and should be very proud of themselves. Those attending

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