“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


Wickersley Sixth Form Applications Now Open!


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Today we’re excited to launch our annual Christmas Card Competition! We’re challenging all students from across our 13 schools to take part by creating a festive drawing or winter scene. The competition is open to all year groups from FS1 to Y13.

Here’s what you need to do to enter:
Design a Christmas card on 1 side of A4 paper (no 3D entries please – we can’t print these!)
Take a photo of your entry (keep your original design safe in case we need it to create our winning cards)
Send the photo of your entry to competitions@wickersleypt.org (or hand your entry into your school office)
Make sure to include your full name, year group, and school when emailing or handing in your entry

Winning designs will feature on the 2022 WPT Christmas cards that are sent out to all colleagues and communities. They’ll also be available to purchase in the 2023 festive season by all members of our community. Winners will also receive a special prize.

CLOSING DATE – Thursday 1st December 2022

We look forward to seeing your entries – good luck!
Also, don’t forget we have previous years’ winning cards available for sale here!

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School News

Y11 Pinewood Studios Trip

Y11 students recently visited the world famous Pinewood Studios as part of Futures Festival – the UK’s largest Film and TV careers festival. As a working film

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