“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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CyberFirst Girls Competition

A first for Wickersley as a team of four Y8 girls have recently competed in the qualifying round of the CyberFirst Girls competition, which is the National Cyber Security Centre’s flagship cyber contest.

They tackled an impressive range of online challenges in the fields of logic and coding, networking, cyber security, cryptography, and special technologies. Some of the advanced cyber topics in the competition are not covered in traditional education and were used to seek and stretch lateral thinking and additional cyber knowledge of the girls.

As a result of their hard work and perseverance, they assembled an outstanding number of points and have made it through to the national final which will be held in February. The competition, which saw over 7000 students from across the UK take part last year, pits the top 13 teams from the qualifier in a final head-to-head round. It is noteworthy that there are some very prestigious institutes in competition with our girls.

We would like to thank the team for entering the competition, we look forward to seeing them at the final. Together, we can empower more girls to discover a career in cyber and where they can play their part in making the UK the safest place to live and work online.


Pictured with the girls L-R:
Mrs Smith, Deputy Headteacher, Amber Woolfall, Rhiannon Rodgers, Ruby Crookes, Claudia Brown-Vasilescu, Mr Hardcastle, Headteacher, Mr Wright, IT Teacher.

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School News

Y10 Science Success

This week, Y10 students celebrated their success in Science! Educake is an online platform used to revise Science, and each week, all students are set

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