“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Y12 Trip to Manchester Metropolitan University

Our Y12 students have recently spent the day at Manchester Metropolitan University, sitting in a 2 hour Spanish seminar to discuss a film that they are currently studying and to experience a taster day at University! This is how our students found it:
“On our trip to Manchester Metropolitan University we were greeted by Carmen, a lovely lady with exceptional Spanish skills! The lecture itself was based on the film we are currently studying “el laberinto del fauno” and the visit allowed us to take a look into the film with an open mind and discussing multiple interpretations. Carmen discussed exam techniques and ways to answer questions in regards to the movie and guided us through analysis of the movie, but also the context of La Guerra Civil ( the civil war) and how this influenced the creation of the movie. The whole lecture was in Spanish and Carmen always kept herself open to questions. My favourite part of the lecture was the character analysis. It’s interesting as to how much you can pick out of one character based on personality, angles of the character and actions at the time of the scene.”
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Easter 100 Club!

WSSC held its very own Easter 100 Club event for the fourth half term of this academic year. This was to celebrate those students who

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