“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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WPT Peripatetic Music Lessons

Over the last academic year, WPT has introduced an innovative addition to the music curriculum.

As part of the delivery of music to all Y7-9s across the Trust, students now access fortnightly instrumental tuition in small groups.

This is offered on guitars, drums, keyboards and voice, and we have a team of peripatetic teachers working across the WPT schools delivering this tuition.

As a Trust, we strongly believe that having the opportunity to learn an instrument from special to broaden their musical horizons, should be an entitlement to all KS3 students.

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School News

Y13 Drama Performance Exams

Recently, the Year 13 A Level Drama and Theatre students presented their Component 2 scripted exams to the visiting examiner. The group presented key extracts

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