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“What did you do at school today?” – RE Learning

“What did you do at school today?”


See below to find out what your child is currently learning about in Religious Education. September 2023 sees the launch of our new core Religious Education curriculum. 

Year 7 students are currently exploring what we mean by the term ‘worldview’ and learning about the worldviews in our local area. Year 8 students have begun studying the key beliefs of Buddhism. Year 9 students are exploring if the ideas of science and religion are compatible and Year 10 are considering if religion has been a power for peace, a cause of conflict or both.

At the start of each topic students will receive a topic talk card, these can be used to support your child’s learning beyond the classroom. The topic talk cards contain discussion questions you can use at home, some suggested links for further research and the key vocabularly for the topic.

The topic talk cards can be found in your child’s RE book or by clicking on the links below.

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Y11 Effort Awards!

Y11 continue to be excellent, and this was reflected in their third data collection. Here are our  Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum award winners, proudly

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