“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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The Young Musician of the Year Final 2023

On Thursday the 12th of October Wickersley School hosted the finals of WPT Young Musician of the Year Competition 2023.

This was a fantastic evening with 25 students from various schools around the Trust from KS1 to KS4 competing. There was a wide range of instruments and Styles of music played from Heavy Metal to Classical. All the secondary schools had students competing and some of the primary schools were represented.

There was amazing talent amongst these young performers and all were a credit to their schools and the trust, performing confidently. It was wonderful to see how all the competitors supported each other in their performances and we were very proud of Ruby Harker, Claudia Brown-Vasilescu, Laura Folkes, Mitchell Mosley and Joshua Tattershall who made the finals.

Congratulations go to Joshua Tattershall who won the KS4 instrumental category and Ruby Harker who won the KS3 vocal category. Thanks  to Jacob Barnett who confidently compared the evening.

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School News

Y13 Drama Performance Exams

Recently, the Year 13 A Level Drama and Theatre students presented their Component 2 scripted exams to the visiting examiner. The group presented key extracts

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