“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


Wickersley Sixth Form Applications Now Open!


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Wickersley School Marks Interfaith Week

Each year, Inter Faith Week begins on Remembrance Sunday, and runs until the following Sunday.  The three aims of the week are:

  • Strengthening good inter faith relations at all levels
  • Increasing awareness of the different and distinct faith communities in the UK, in particular celebrating and building on the contribution which their members make to their neighbourhoods and to wider society
  • Increasing understanding between people of religious and non-religious beliefs


Year 7 to 11 students explored ideas linked to inter faith relations during their thematic reading sessions with their form tutors. The RE department held some additional lunch time events with Miss Burton’s debate club and Mrs Berry’s session in which students could learn about the use of mandalas within Buddhism. Year 7 student Tianna said it is “really important to learn about the different beliefs people may have” and that learning about mandalas was a “fun way to spend her break time!”

Remember there is still time to submit your entries to our Trust Inter Faith Art competition!

Watch this space! Applications for the RE Ambassador role closed on Friday 17th November, students who have been successful will be informed over the coming week.

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Y11 Effort Awards!

Y11 continue to be excellent, and this was reflected in their third data collection. Here are our  Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum award winners, proudly

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