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Horse Riding Success for Wickersley Student

Congratulations to Wickersley student, Charlotte Ferron on her recent horse-riding success at the Special Olympics. Over the Easter half term, Charlotte had a riding competition with the Special Olympics which lasted 3 days. During the competition, she took on the challenge of riding a horse that was completely new to her, as well as competing in a last-minute dressage test. As a result, she won 3 gold medals for the competition, one for dressage, one for country side challenge and one for horse care and knowledge.

Furthermore, Charlotte was runner up in her category of female young achiever. The award event was a great evening and although Charlotte didn’t win, being nominated was an amazing achievement for her.

Charlotte has been volunteering with the Riding for the Disabled for 4 years now, and has been a rider of the RDA for 13 years. She has been competing with the Special Olympics since she was 8, achieving a silver medal in their UK games in 2017.

As a volunteer for the RDA she has lots of roles and responsibilities, these include mucking out the stables, filling water, hay nets and checking on the general wellbeing of the horses. She assists lessons with other riders who have a range of physical and mental disabilities, some times less severe than herself, and she has started teaching as well which she really enjoys. She is there every Saturday from 9-5 and sometimes longer showing her commitment to the RDA and her passion for riding.

Well done Charlotte, we are very proud all you have overcome and all of your achievements!

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School News

Y13 Drama Performance Exams

Recently, the Year 13 A Level Drama and Theatre students presented their Component 2 scripted exams to the visiting examiner. The group presented key extracts

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