“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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100 Club Ice Creams!

WSSC held its very own 100 Club event for the final half term of the year! This was to celebrate those students who achieved 100% attendance for that half term (3rd June until 19th July).

614 students managed to attend every day during HT6, and were therefore eligible to collect an ice cream with a flake and choice of sauce. We are hoping to see even more students attending the 100 Club event for the first half term of the next school year. Come on, let’s start the school year as we mean to go on!

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School News

Y10 Science Success

This week, Y10 students celebrated their success in Science! Educake is an online platform used to revise Science, and each week, all students are set

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