This week, Y10 students celebrated their success in Science! Educake is an online platform used to revise Science, and each week, all students are set questions on Educake by their teachers to complete as homework. Students are also able to set themselves additional questions to further study and improve their knowledge and understanding. Class 10b/Ph1 have answered the most questions in Year 10, with an incredible total of 45,708 questions answered this year. Additionally, class 10b/Ph1 were selected by Educake to win their weekly Freddo Friday prize draw, where they were sent a bunch of chocolate to share!
Special mention goes to the following students in the group who have each answered more than 2000 questions on Educake:
⭐ Grace Barker
⭐ Ruby Crookes
⭐ Rebecca Pike
⭐ Samuel Thornton
Keep up the hard work!
#WeWorkHard #WeAreProudOfOurAchievements