Wickersley school is proud to be the first school in Rotherham to be awarded the Mental Health accreditation from With me in Mind. This is a 3 year accreditation and has involved auditing the school’s wellbeing offer for students, staff and the wider community. The Headteacher, Mr Hardcastle, said “This award is testament to the hard work of our student ambassadors and dedicated staff in school. The combination of student, home and school are proving to be unbeatable.”
Wickersley has been lucky to work in partnership with ‘With me in Mind’ since they launched their Trailblazer programme over 5 years ago. The award focuses on 8 areas within the school:
⭐ Management, Leadership and Governance
⭐ Setting Ethos and Environment
⭐ Curriculum, teaching and learning
⭐ Children and young people’s voice
⭐ Staff Health and Wellbeing
⭐ Working with parents, carers and community
⭐ Identifying need and monitoring impact
⭐ Targeted support and appropriate referrals
Some of the feedback from With me in Mind stated: “It is clear that there is an equal attention on wellbeing as there is on academic attainment, with a focus on being an ‘able child’, one that is resilient and willing to ‘have a go’ and get things wrong. Wellbeing is embedded throughout the school. . . The school supports the wellbeing of its staff and students in a number of ways. Students were extremely positive about the Mental Health and wellbeing support and activities on offer at their school. “