“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Y8 Sikh Temple Trip

Throughout November and December, Year 8 students visited the Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Sikh Temple in Sheffield, as part of their entitlement curriculum. The Religious Education department believes that experiences such as visits to places of worship, and talks from visiting speakers, provide students the opportunity to broaden their knowledge and understanding of different beliefs beyond what we learn about in the classroom.

During the trip, we heard about the importance of the Guru Granth Sahib (Sikh holy book); how Sikhs worship, and some students even learnt how to tie a turban. We also shared food in the Langar Hall, which is a free kitchen available to all visitors to the Gurdwara!

Alongside the RE trip, our Geography department also joined for an urban study of Sheffield during the afternoon; a further entitlement opportunity to broaden our students’ knowledge and understanding beyond what we learn about in the classroom. This involved walking along ‘The Five Weirs Canal Walk’ into Sheffield City Centre. Whilst on the walk, students had a go at conducting bipolar surveys and land use surveys for the first time; both of which are skills they will revisit as part of the GCSE curriculum, should students choose to continue their studies to this level.

Well done Year 8!

#WeWorkHard #WeListenToOthers

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School News

Y13 Drama Performance Exams

Recently, the Year 13 A Level Drama and Theatre students presented their Component 2 scripted exams to the visiting examiner. The group presented key extracts

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