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A-Level Physics Olympiad Online Challenge Success

Recently, Y12 A-Level Physics Students experienced success with the British Physics Olympiad’s Senior Physics Online Challenge.
The competition consists of two 30-minute sets of multiple choice questions which are largely about physics ideas, but also encouraging some wider reading and interest in the subject. It is an opportunity for students to take part in a national physics competition and to develop their confidence in the subject.
Alex L achieved a commendation for his efforts.
The following students achieved a bronze award:
Saleh, Samuel, William, George B, Henry, Talha, Kaden, Luke, Crystal, James, Alex M, Mohammed, and Kirsty.
The following students achieved a silver award:
Finn, Jake, Alex G, Chitsanupong, Renee, Hunter, Amogh, Conner, Sidney, and Joe.
Daniel did exceptionally well and achieved a gold award!
We are proud of all our Y12 Physics students who pushed themselves to achieve their best!
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World Book Day 2025

On Thursday 6th March, staff and students at WSSC celebrated World Book Day. The staff in each department wore costumes and decorated the school with

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