Assessment Information
Target Grades for Students
All students at Wickersley are given target grades. In Keystage 3, Year 7, 8, and 9 students receive a Likely Target from Entry level, Expected, or Greater Depth. This is the minimum grade pupils should aim to achieve at the end of the year in that subject.
In Keystage 4, Year 10 and 11 students receive a Likely target from Grade 1 to 9. In Keystage 5, Year 12 and 13 students receive a Likely target from Grades A* – E. Please note that in vocational subjects, students will have target grades from Pass, Merit, Distinction, or Distinction *.
In Years 7, 8 and 9 pupils work towards Can Do statements, and the student’s Current attainment is based on the number of these statements the students have achieved.
In Years 10 and 11, pupils work towards GCSE Likely targets – the final GCSE Grade a pupil should achieve at the end of Year 11.
In Years 12 and 13, pupils work towards their KS5 Likely targets – the final A-level Grade a pupil should achieve at the end of Year 13.
Effort Grades for Students
Pupils in Keystage 3 and 4 are given an Effort grade for 3 different criteria; Embodying the subject way, Working with Pride, Care and Thought and Behaviour, participation and responding to feedback.
Pupils in Keystage 5 are given an effort grade for 3 different criteria: Embodying the subject way including organising learning resource and time, Working to their full potential and participating effectively in class and Responding to feedback and evidence of independent study
All effort is graded as: Excellent, Good, Coasting/Requires Improvement, or Poor.
This gives parents an insight into their child’s behaviour and attitude in lessons. All pupils are capable of achieving ‘Outstanding’, regardless of ability.
Data Collections and Full Reports
Data collections take place two times a year for all year groups. Parents receive a report on their child’s effort and attainment after each data collection.
In Years 7, 8, and 9 pupils are given an Effort Grade, Current Attainment Grade, and Areas for Improvement for each subject. Current Attainment is the overall grade at which a student is working at, taking into account all the assessments they have done during the year. This enables parents to see whether pupils are making satisfactory progress toward their End of Year Likely Target.
In Years 10, 11, 12, and 13, pupils are given an Effort Grade and Predicted Grade for each subject. The Predicted Grade is the grade that the teacher believes a student will achieve at the end of the course if they continue to maintain current levels of attendance, effort, and attainment. This grade will factor in all elements of the course including controlled assessment.
WPT Staff Awards 2024!
On Friday 15th November, Wickersley Partnership Trust held its annual Staff Awards – a night to appreciate the hard work, commitment and dedication that they