“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


Wickersley Sixth Form Applications Now Open!

Exam and Assessment Results

KS4 Results 2023/24

Progress 8 Score% of students entered for EBacc% of Students staying in education or employment after KS4% of Pupils who achieved a Grade 5 or above in English and Maths at GCSEAttainment 8 ScoreEBacc average point score

*Please note that the figures are provisional and may change

Destination information

The percentage of pupils in post-16 education or employment after Key Stage 4 was 98.8%. The National Average is 94% and the Local Authority average is 92%. 70.2% of our students have gone on to study Level 3 qualifications at their post-16 destinations.

Results Explained

Progress 8 and Attainment 8 count only the following subjects:

  • English (double weighted if both language and literature are taken)
  • Maths (double weighted)
  • Best 3 Ebacc subjects (Modern Foreign Language, History, Geography, Science, Computing)
  • Best 3 other approved qualifications from the list published by the Department of Education


Progress 8 is a value-added measure. A Progress 8 score of +0.5 means that on average, students would achieve a grade above expectations in half their subjects (as calculated by the government based on KS2 attainment).

Attainment 8 is an attainment measure. 40 = average grade of a grade 4.

The English Baccalaureate (Ebacc) is a combination of subjects which the government believes to be the foundation of a good academic education. The Ebacc must include: English, maths, two sciences, history or geography and a Modern Foreign Language).

KS5 Results 2021/22

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, 16-18 progress measures will return for the 2023/24 academic year.

Attainment Retention Destinations
B (A-Level) Distinction+ (Applied General) 90% 74% progressed to university.
9% secured an apprenticeship.
17% secured employment or searching.

Results Explained

We are committed to providing a comprehensive Level 3 programme with access to positive progression for all students at age 17 and 18, not only for Wickersley students but for the broader Rotherham community to which we cater at Key Stage 5. Our entry requirements are not elitist, and selection for courses is based on ability to access the course and achieve a positive outcome, and students are guided through these choices.



The University picture is changing and this year 40% of our students accepted unconditional offers.  In most cases, we would discourage students from accepting such offers, as they can lead to low aspirations and a loss of purpose and poor effort in Year 13.

Our students move on to very positive destinations, particularly those students who apply to the best universities.  21% of our students who finished their A-levels in 2019 will attend a Russell Group university, which is 10% higher than the national average of 11%.


Value added:

Key stage 5 data is assessed by a value-added score which shows how well students have progressed in comparison to students nationally with the same KS4 prior attainment.

This score is expressed as a proportion of a grade above or below national average.  +0.5 would be the equivalent to performance half a grade above average for the intake of the sixth form.

Performance Against Targets

Whole Cohort:


We do not operate a policy of withdrawing students who have only a slim chance of gaining a grade E, as this of value to students.

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