“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


Wickersley Sixth Form Applications Now Open!

Wickersely Pledges – ‘We get involved’

As part of Wickersley Pledges, students across all key stages are set the challenge to ‘get involved’ consistently in extracurricular activities and to try new opportunities. In the last few weeks, Eve Robson in Year 9 took on this challenge to try a new opportunity when she took herself out of her comfort zone and […]

Westend Weekend!

Last week, thirty Dance students travelled to London for two days to experience the magic of the West End. Students got to watch ‘Mary Poppins’ and ‘& Juliet’ and see how the lighting, set and costumes all came together in productions of that size. They also got the opportunity to go to the famous Pineapple […]

Into Film Club Returns!

Into Film Club returns for Y7 and Y8 on Tuesday 30th November with a screening of Gone Too Far! (2013), a London-set comedy about two estranged brothers – one from London, the other Nigeria. Join us for popcorn and enjoy this contemporary comedy in the Creative Arts classroom after school. Badges and lanyards are available […]

Non-Uniform/Christmas Jumper Day

This year we will be holding a Non-Uniform/Christmas Jumper Day on Friday 17th December. On this day, every student and teacher is encouraged to bring their festive spirit (and a £1 donation) through the school gates in the form of their favourite Christmas jumper. Those taking part can wear a Christmas jumper they already own […]

Year 10 Outstanding Students

Teachers have recently inputted data for our current Year 10 cohort of students. At Wickersley School we value and celebrate the effort of our students. The following students are currently average effort 4.0 or average effort 3.9, meaning they have received all outstanding or outstanding + one good, respectively, from their subject teachers. Mr Turner, Mr Jarvis […]

Year 7’s Lucas Scully Wins Gold With Gymnastics Team

A couple of weeks ago, Year 7 student, Lucas Scully, took part in a gymnastics competition. There were four in the team and they represented Yorkshire in the National Finals in Telford – and they won gold! Lucas has been a gymnast since he was just 7 years old, showing a strong determination to succeed. […]

Acts of Kindness

Zara Wilcock in Year 7 consistently completes acts of kindness and is an example to all of us. For many years, Zara has helped to raise funds for Bramley and Wickersley Lions. Zara has spent many evenings completing acts of kindness by delivering leaflets to advertise events along with taking responsibility with collections too. As part of a […]

Hope for the Future Eco Summit Day

On Tuesday 16th November, the five Eco-Council teams from across Wickersley Partnership Trust’s five secondary schools came together for a day of collaborative learning and campaigning run by local charity, Hope for the Future.   Hope For The Future is a climate charity which works to equip communities, groups and individuals across the country to communicate […]

Wickersley Alumni – David Trow, Head of Markets Advisory

We’ve recently been contacted by former Wickersley student, David Trow, who has offered his support in mentoring students around aspirations and employability skills. David left Wickersley Sixth Form in 2007 and has spent some time in recent weeks conducting virtual mock interviews with our current Year 11 students from his home in Hong Kong! He […]

Parliament Week

As part of Parliament week on Friday the 12th November, we were lucky to host Lord Richard Best at a Trust event held at Wickersley school.

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