HEPP Parent / Carer Understanding Student Finance Session

HEPP is running an online Understanding Student Finance session for parents and carers. It will take place on Thursday 9th February 2023 from 5pm – 6pm. You will learn about: How much money students can receive as a loan or non-repayable bursary / scholarship The extra financial support they may be eligible for Repayments How […]
Sikh Education Service Visit

In December all Year 8, 9 and Sixth Form students across Wickersley Partnership Trust enjoyed a visit from the Sikh Education Service. Mr Harkirat Singh visited each school and delivered an informative assembly which covered a range of topics including a brief history of the Sikh faith, some of the key Sikh beliefs and shared […]
Pastoral Award Winners

We recently recognised our students across all year groups for their excellent attendance, punctuality, effort, and behaviour in school. Keep up the good work! Congratulations to all our pastoral award winners.
A Level Drama London Theatre Trip

A-Level Drama and Theatre Studies students recently travelled to London for a two-day theatre experience along with a number of Drama GCSE students. The group took part in a practical acting workshop at Pineapple Studios with a professional actor based on techniques used in the West End production of The Lion, the Witch, and the […]
We’re Heading to the Finals!

Last term the U13 and U15 girl’s cricket teams played in the Rotherham Indoor Cricket finals. We are very pleased to say that both teams played brilliantly winning both events. The teams now represent Rotherham in the South Yorkshire finals in January.
Wickersley’s New School Council

Wickersley’s new School Council team makes a good first impression as they strive to make positive changes within their school. The newly elected school council consists of two students from each year group which also includes two students from sixth form. These hard-working and dedicated students applied to be on the school council in September […]

Starts Tuesday 10th January – Every Tuesday 3:20pm – 4:10pm in Dr2/Dr3 Improve your acting skills, play drama games and make new friends in a fun, practical session. We will also be running a theatre trip for Drama Club members in the Spring Term. CFPs are awarded for taking part and count towards achieving pledges.
Y9’s Environmental Magic Reindeer Food

The Y9 Asdan Group have spent this term working on a project where they have researched, costed, marketed, created and sold some Environmental Magic Reindeer Food for Christmas. The whole class have worked incredibly hard (as well a creating mealworm carnage when making the food!) and should be very proud of themsleves. They also proved to be very impressive sales people!! We were […]
100 Club Event

WSSC held its very own 100 club event for the second half term of this academic year. This was to celebrate those students who had managed to obtain 100% attendance for that half term (31st October – 16th December). 596 students attended every day during HT2 and were therefore eligible to collect a candy cane […]
WPT Christmas Card Competition 2022 Winners

We now have our winners for the WPT Christmas Card Competition! After a tough round of judging, we have whittled the 43 shortlisted designs down even further to get our 14 winners – the most winners we’ve ever had! All winners have received a box of Heroes, a £10 Amazon voucher and a pack of […]