Y10 Pastoral Awards

A big congratulations to all of our Y10 students who have recently won a pastoral award! We are all very proud of you.
The Wickersley Dancing Stars

Ruma Baker and her dance partner Chris are officially Great Britain’s top Junior couple having come 6th place out of over 100 couples in the world in the biggest competition they did a couple of months ago. Ruma and her partner, Chris Buttle made Junior WORLD Finalists at the prestigious WDC/AL European Championships & Blackpool […]
Y8 Effort Awards

????Congratulations to Y8 students receiving their certificates for Embracing the Whole Curriculum Award! Well done to everyone, with special mention going to the Platinum Award winners: Madison Adams, Isaac Barnett and Amy Betts.
WPT Peripatetic Music Lessons

Over the last academic year, WPT has introduced an innovative addition to the music curriculum. As part of the delivery of music to all Y7-9s across the Trust, students now access fortnightly instrumental tuition in small groups. This is offered on guitars, drums, keyboards and voice, and we have a team of peripatetic teachers working […]
Y6 Talks Held by Wickersley’s Very Own

We would to say a massive congratulations to Lucy, Harry, Emily and James! They have just delivered and completed their seminar style sessions to over 150 of our new y6’s over the last week which included some tricky Q & A. They handled it superbly and earned an ice cream on the way back today. […]
Money Matters

Students from across our WPT secondary schools have undertaken their ‘Money Matters’ curriculum this year. Here’s a roundup of what each year group has been getting up to in these lessons: Year 7 So far this year, students in Year 7 have studied a range of Money Matters topics including banking, budgeting and the cost […]
Y10 Languages Mock Revision Guidance

In advance of the upcoming mocks, students have been discussing ways in which they can be revising in their chosen GCSE language to ensure they are best prepared for success. We have discussed top revision tips, looked at familiar question types and we have also launched a Languages Revision Mat from which students should be […]
Wickersley Sixth Form Induction Days

We’re delighted to invite Year 11 students currently holding a conditional offer to study at Wickersley Sixth Form into school on the 3rd and 4th of July 2023 for our Summer Induction event. We strongly encourage all students currently holding a conditional offer to attend both days. This event is perfect for students to get to know […]
Y10 Visit the ‘Examined Life’ Event

On Thursday 8th June 21 Y10 students were invited to attend the University of Sheffield ‘Examined Life’ event. The day consisted of lectures and workshops covering major philosophical questions and topics such as social philosophy, ethics, and metaphysics. The trip gave our students the opportunity to find out more about the University of Sheffield and […]
Y10 Devised Drama Performances

Students in Y10 Drama recently performed their devised drama pieces to an audience for Component 1 assessment. Each group devised their play from scratch, inspired by a stimulus quotation or song. The work was presented in the style of playwright John Godber and had been scripted and rehearsed by the students over several months. Congratulations on some excellent, […]