IET STEM Faraday Challenge

In January, 36 students from 5 different secondary schools across Rotherham battled it out to be crowned Champions of the IET STEM Faraday Challenge. Students from Wickersley participated in the challenge, representing the school in this STEM event. By taking part in the IET Faraday Challenge Day, the students received an Industrial Cadets Challenger Award […]
Y10 Pastoral Award

Our Pastoral Award recognises students for excellent attendance, punctuality and behaviour in lessons. Our Y10 award winners continue to excel in school and are clearly striving to do their very best every single day. Congratulations to all students who have achieved an award!
Wickersley Drama Students London Theatre Trip

6th Form and Y11 Drama students recently enjoyed a two-day trip to London’s South Bank and West End. The students saw two shows – the crime thriller, Witness for the Prosecution, and the spectacular stage musical, Mamma Mia!. The group also had a tour of Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, learning about theatrical traditions in Elizabethan times and the history […]
Y11 Pastoral Awards

Our pastoral award recognises students for excellent attendance, punctuality and behaviour in lessons. Our Y11 award winners continue to thrive in school as they prepare for their GCSE exams this summer. Congratulations to all students who have achieved an award!
Y8 Pastoral Awards

Our Pastoral award recognises students for excellent attendance, punctuality and behaviour in lessons. Our Y8 award winners continue to thrive in school. Congratulations to all students who have achieved an award!
Y9 Pastoral Awards

Our Pastoral award recognises students for excellent attendance, punctuality and behaviour in lessons. Our Y9 award winners continue to thrive in school. Congratulations to all students who have achieved an award!
Annual Movement Festival 2024

Wickersley School and Sports College held its annual Movement Festival on the 5th – 8th of February 2024. Over 190 students, along with over 15 staff members took part in the festival, which was a culmination of their hard work over the last few months. Many of the pieces involved large groups of students, which […]
Y11 GCSE Drama Performances

Y11 Drama GCSE students recently presented their scripted extracts for the visiting examiner. Most candidates were assessed for their acting performances, while some were assessed for their design work in costume, hair and make-up. This year’s performances included A Taste of Honey, And Then There Were None, Blithe Spirit, Canterbury Tales, Rita, Sue and Bob Too, Shakers, Silence, Talent, The Woman Who Cooked Her Husband and Wyrd Sisters. Congratulations […]
Mock Interviews

Well done to our Year 11 and 13 students who took part in their mock interviews recently. Students were invited to take part in the interview experience, conducted by a representative of several local organisations. During the interview, students were asked a range of real-life questions and although interviews are daunting for everyone, our students took it in […]
Y12 A-Level Physics students compete in the Senior Physics Challenge Online

Our Y12 A-Level Physics students took part in the Senior Physics Challenge Online Competition. This competition consists of two 30-minute sets of multiple-choice questions which are largely about physics ideas, but also encouraging some wider reading and interest in the subject. It is an opportunity for students to take part in a national physics competition […]